Friday, August 24, 2007

I met a Human Being !!

I met a Human Being. Or rather a better Human Being. Acoording to many of us human beings refer to Homo Sapiens. But to me it is a step further. To me Human beings are Homo Sapiens who have the Humanitarian nature.But I met a person who was still a step further ahead of me in these terms.

We were walking down a path way when we happened to find a puppy. A puppy which in all probability would have seen this world for the first time a week ago. Probably even late. It was so young, tender and of course very very cute.Our first reaction was " How cute it is !" . But it was there without any attention or care. On the first look, it seemed to be sick.It was lying there with its eyes closed. It was not even able to move. It was shivering. We stood there watching it without going near it. But after some time we realized that its mother was nowhere near it. The puppy was probably discarded by its mother. Or rather it seemed to be!

We all felt sad for the puppy. We did nothing else. But one of my friend went near it and took it in his arms. He held it so gently in his hands like how a mother will carry her new born. He wrapped the puppy in a hand towel and gave warmth to it. The puppy lay cuddled in his arms now seeming to have found peace. It stirred gently, opening its eyes, probably to see who was giving it such warmth. Could the puppy have expected to see its mother when it opened its eyes? Because it was feeling so comfortable and cared in his arms. He was giving more than what its mother actually gave it!

He was ready to take the puppy with him to his room and feed it. And then to a veterinarian to get it treated. He simply was not ready to part with his newly found treasure. He did not care whether the puppy had any infections and it was already licking him all over his torso. He made us realize that just empathizing and sympathysing was not enough. Not enough at all !! He gave so much of love, affection and care to the puppy that it was feeling so comfortable with him. It was possible because his feelings were true. From his heart !! I learnt that love and care has no boundaries.The sight, just the sight, of the puppy cuddled in his arms would have melted anyone's heart ! It melted mine !!

I realized that i have met a Human Being !!


muthusivan said...

so cute post like that puppy....hehe..whos that human da..anyway u met a gentleman like me

Shady said...

nice post dear...

After all, the WHOLE WORLD is not bad / wicked. There are HUMAN BEINGS out there.... :-)